Does AudioSourceRE keep a stored copy of my audio files?

Does AudioSourceRE keep a stored copy of my audio files?

The latest version of DeMIX Pro and DeMIX Essentials performs all separations directly on the user's computer.
Files are copied and stored in the temporary directory of the user's machine and are deleted when no longer used. Therefore the files that are being separated are never sent to AudioSourceRE.

Up until version 5 of DeMIX Pro or DeMIX Essentials, separations could be performed on our servers "in the cloud".
In cloud mode, 'AudioSourceRE' keeps a temporary copy of any audio file uploaded while processing is occurring. This is deleted within a few hours of processing and a successful download being completed.

All plugins by AudioSourceRE such as Voxless, Drumless and RePAN also separate audio directly on the user's computer.

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