What about recording?

What about recording?

Although not impossible, using DRUMLESS during a recording session presents some difficulties.

First, DRUMLESS will only operate with a high latency (around 140ms). It is therefore not ideal for loopback recording applications (when the artist's performance is separated by DRUMLESS but the artist also needs to listen the separated output while performing). For such cases it would be better to bypass DRUMLESS during the recording process and only enable it during mixing.

An other challenge recording with DRUMLESS is that it requires using a large audio buffer size. If a project contains DRUMLESS and a low buffer size is needed for recording an artist, there will likely be audio glitches during recording. To avoid those you should render the track on which DRUMLESS was applied (most DAWs have a function for this, called "freeze" or "bounce in place") and bypass or remove the DRUMLESS plug-in during recording to save CPU power.

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