What is the difference between version 5 and version 6 of DeMIX Pro/Essentials?

What is the difference between version 5 and version 6 of DeMIX Pro/Essentials?

Version 6 of DeMIX Pro and DeMIX Essentials comes with:
- new separation models for Vocals, Drums, Bass, Electric Guitar and Strings
- the ability to process separations faster using graphics hardware (GPU) on windows, and Apple Silicon (CoreML) on mac, when such hardware is available
- separations are performed "section by section", allowing to start listening to the stems within seconds
- the option to run separations in the cloud has been removed, as separations are usually faster to run locally now

In version 5:
- separations could be run in the cloud or locally (but exclusively on CPU)
- you had to wait until the end of the whole separation to be able to listen to the output

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